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GLP Wills & Executries.
Private Client Lawyers in Glasgow

Glasgow Law Practice White

Practice made perfect

Expert Wills, Power of Attorney & Guardianship Orders Lawyers in Glasgow.

Drawing up a will and planning for the future means that your estate will be shared amongst those nearest and dearest to you. 

It doesn’t need to be expensive and will mean that your worldly goods don’t end up in the hands of the tax man. Our executry (‘probate’) solicitors in Scotland can also help your family wind up an estate efficiently. Contact the legal team at The Glasgow Law Practice on 0141 465 5596 today.

Wills & Executry
Write a Will with us

You can start planning your estate today. You can call us on 0141 465 5596 , or use our online enquiry form to schedule an appointment with our team. 

Glasgow Law Practice White

We’re the lawyers you want to know

Writing a Will or Winding up an Estate (Executry/'Probate') - Peace of mind

The relatively simple procedure of preparing a Will removes uncertainty and brings peace of mind.

After all, you take care to insure your home and its contents so why not look after your loved ones? The Will appoints an executor who administers the distribution of your estate.

The details of the Will provide concise instructions regarding funeral arrangements and other wishes, greatly increasing the speed with which matters can be dealt with.

Our experienced team of solicitors can help you with:

  • Making a Will
  • Inheritance tax planning
  • Administering a Deceased’s Estate (Executry/’Probate’)
Private Client