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Employment Contracts Lawyers
Glasgow Law Practice White

Practice made perfect

Employment Contracts Lawyers Glasgow

Not all terms are always explicitly agreed in writing (express terms).

The courts have established that all employment contracts have the following terms included, whether express or implied:

  • to maintain trust and confidence through co-operation
  • to act in good faith towards each other
  • to take reasonable care to ensure health and safety in the workplace


Some implied terms can become part of the contract because of the employer and employee’s behaviour, through custom and practice over time, or through a firm’s rules (particularly if the employee has been made aware of them and given access to them).

If you are looking for employment law advice about a contract, get in touch now. 

Employment Law For Employees

We are Glasgow Solicitors providing advice on all aspects of Employment Law in Glasgow. Call us today or use our online enquiry form. There’s no obligation. Our employment solicitors will respond to your queries quickly and confidentially.

Glasgow Law Practice White

We’re the lawyers you want to know

Employment Contract Advice Glasgow

What should be included in a written statement?

A written statement must include:

  • your name
  • your employer’s name
  • the date when your employment (and the period of continuous employment) began
  • pay and the intervals at which you will be paid
  • hours of work
  • holiday entitlement
  • entitlement to sick leave, including any entitlement to sick pay
  • pensions and pension schemes
  • your and your employer’s entitlement to notice of termination
  • job title or a brief job description. Where it is not permanent, the period for which your employment is expected to continue or, if it is for a fixed term, the date when it will end
  • either the place of work or, if you’re required or allowed to work in more than one location, an indication of this and of your employer’s address
  • details of the existence of any relevant collective agreements which directly affect the terms and conditions of your employment – including, if your employer isn’t a party, the persons by whom they were made
  • a note giving certain details of disciplinary and grievance procedures, and stating whether or not a pensions contracting-out certificate is in force for your employment
  • if you’re normally employed in the UK but will be required to work abroad for the same employer for a period of more than one month, the statement must also cover:
    • the period for which the employment abroad is to last
    • the currency in which you will be paid
    • any additional pay or benefits
    • terms relating to your return to the UK


Where there are no details to be given for one of the items required in the statement (for example, where there is no pension entitlement), this must be stated.

The Glasgow Law Practice acts for both employees and employers in providing advising on contracts of employment. We are also able to provide contracts of employment tailored to suit the particular circumstances of the employer and employee.

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